Eric Hudson
As the General Manager, I am responsible for booking all the live entertainment events, as well as overseeing the day to day operations of the Mountain America Center, Hero Arena, and the Blue Cross of Idaho Conference Center. I am also the resident loud voice in the office as a side job.
What has been your favorite memory to date from working at the Mountain America center? My favorite individual memory was the Old Dominion concert, but overall I think as a whole, the entire first year was something that I will never forget.
What most excites you about working here: I am excited about the people that work in the Mountain America Center…..we have an awesome team and it makes life so great
One word to describe myself: Goofy
If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would be: Es Tas chicken tacos from Ames, IA. But, have to have their homemade hot sauce though!
What is your go to karaoke song: Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash
What is your favorite TV show: The Office is my favorite TV show of all time, and I have seen every episode at least six times.